People who are acquainted with Reiki will probably be aware of the fact that there are different levels a person can attain while studying Reiki. In the traditional Reiki system - called Usui Shiki Ryoho - which was originally taught in the West, there are three levels of Reiki.
LEVEL I: Level I is the introduction to Reiki. A student will attend a class offered by a Reiki Master who will introduce the student to the concept of Reiki, the history of Reiki, and ultimately, will pass on to the student the ability to channel the Reiki energy. Level I is a relatively basic course, and involves no symbols, memorization, etc. Level I initially should begin with an introduction to what Reiki is. The Reiki Master will explain what Reiki is, what the words Rei and Ki mean, where Reiki comes from, how we channel it, how we use it, how we can use it, etc. Level I also focuses on the body and how it works holistically, and how Reiki can aid the body. For example, the teacher may present to the class the idea of the seven major chakras and how they affect the body. The teacher may talk a bit about chi, feng shui, tai chi, and other Eastern practices which use the idea of Ki as a foundation. Traditional hand positions may be introduced in the first level. The student will walk away from a Level I class as a Reiki Practitioner, and they will have access to the Reiki energy for the rest of their life.
LEVEL II: Level II is a more advanced Reiki class. The ideas and concepts which were introduced in Level I are recapped and reinforced. Level II, however has a much stronger emphasis on the history and origins of Reiki. Students of the second level will be required to learn three symbols. Each symbol is used to change the focus of the Reiki energy. After the student has been introduced to the symbols, they will have to learn about where they symbols came from, the stories behind the symbols, what each symbol is used for, and why the symbols are considered sacred and why Reiki practitioners all over the world regard the symbols with reverence. Traditionally, the symbols are treated with utmost reverence, and as such, they are supposed to be shown only to people who have been taught the symbols by a Reiki Master. It is for this reason that I do not have pictures of the symbols, nor do I refer to them by name on this website. This may sound a bit ridiculous to some, but I urge you to bear in mind that Reiki stems from an Eastern tradition with which many people are not familiar, and although some of the concepts surrounding the practice may seem unusual or silly, they still should be respected. After a student attains the second level or Reiki, she or he will more than likely feel a shift in the Reiki energy which is being channeled through her or his body. Reiki at the second level is more intense, more powerful, more emotional, and ultimately, more potent than the Reiki which can be channeled by a Level I practitioner. The second level of Reiki also introduces the concept that Reiki can be "sent" across distance. A practitioner does so through the use of the third symbol. By using this symbol, a plethora of new options are opened to the Reiki Practitioner of the second level. At this point, Reiki can be "sent" to situations, conflicts, concepts, people far away, pets, plants, houses, and many many more things. The Master may also introduce basic Reiki Meditation and basic Reiki Guided Imagery. This technique is particularly useful and powerful for practitioners who want to use Reiki to help them heal themselves emotionally and spiritually. The possibilities presented by attaining the second level of Reiki are too numerous to mention. It is recommended that a student remain at the second level of Reiki for at least a year in order to fully explore and integrate this advanced level of this complex energy.
LEVEL III: Level III is where Reiki training becomes quite difficult and wholly satisfying. Level III is often split into two levels. For simplicity, I will refer to these levels as follows: "3a" (ART) and "3b" (Master/Teacher). 3a/ART/Master-Practitioner 3a is the level of Reiki which many refer to as ART (Advanced Reiki Training). Level 3a is a deeply spiritual intensely advanced level of Reiki training, and should not be approached lightly. At this level, the student will be taught the fourth and final Reiki symbol: the powerful Master symbol. Many teachers will introduce very advanced Reiki techniques at this level. The concepts introduced and strengthened in Level II will be revisited and strengthened further. Advanced Reiki Meditation techniques may be introduced. Integration of Reiki into many other healing modalities will probably be introduced. 3b/Master-Teacher This is the ultimate level of traditional Reiki. There is no higher level. A student taking this class will be instructed on how to teach and attune others to Reiki. The attunement process is taught and practiced thoroughly. Many Masters teach a very advanced form of Reiki Meditation at this level. Some Masters teach Tibetan Master symbols at this level (these symbols are NOT part of the traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho line of Reiki), but these symbols are not required to teach or attune others to Reiki.